These are a few of my favorite things...

February 4, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things... Yes I actually just sang that as if I was performing in The Sound of Music!!! Don't you judge me!

Well since I have no creativity at all... I am just going to post a few pics of some of my fav things around here... and by here I mean my house... and by house I mean my hermit hole (that sounded horrific, erase that from your brain please!!!).

I literally take my Victorias Secret water bottle everywhere. 

Never ever leave my house without my peach baby lips.

My denim vest is perfect over pretty much anything.

I bought these Docs about 2 years ago and just started really wearing them this winter... The cute flowers make them girly instead of combat. 

What are some things that you can't live without? 

Today I am linking up with The Dwelling Tree & Southern Beauty Guide for their Let's Be Friends Blog Hop #51. Check both of them out, they are awesomesauce!!!!! #truestory (it's in hashtags, so it has to be true). 

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  1. Ahhhh docs! I have always wanted a pair, just have to find the ones I like and say bye to the moneyy!

    1. Omg I literally have like 5 pairs... They last forever!!!!

  2. I love my Sugar chapstick. And definitely don't leave home without my iphone or Kindle!

  3. Never ever leave my phone at home. It's my lifeline! I also always have at least one water bottle with me. And Chapstick!

  4. I love those VS water bottles! I've also always wanted to try baby lips chapstick!
