5 on Friday

February 14, 2014

Happy Friday!!! Happy start of a 4 day weekend!!! Happy 5 on Friday!!! Happy Happy Day!!!

If you read yesterday's post, you will know that I am on my way to the river right now!!! Can't wait to get there and relax!!!

So on to my 5 on Friday... I will be listing 5 things on my current "wishlist".

{ONE} These super adorable pillow cases!!! Ah-mazing!!! Although we'd probably need a third made     that says "Zeke's middle".

{TWO} This super awesome Nixon watch, oh and I would like it in black and white.  I love watches... There are currently like 10 watches that I want... and while we are at it, I'll take the cute bracelets too!

{THREE} Tylie Malibu runaway blaine bag. I have had my current Tylie bag for over 10 years!!! They last forever!!! Probably why they are so expensive! 

{FOUR} Always need coffee cups... and this couldn't be more true! 

{FIVE} These boots... I just can't... they belong on my feet! 

and there you have it... My 5 on Friday! Now everyone enjoy your weekend!!!! Kellee out! 

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  1. Oh I love Nixon watches! #4....every day of my life! I need to find those boots they are fabulous!

    Meet @ the Barre

  2. LOVE those boots! And the pillows made me laugh :)

  3. girlfriend…you have some seriously good style! i want all things listed! showing some linkup love! new reader! yay!

    1. Hahahah why thank you... you must too if you appreciate it!!! LOL Happy Vday!!! I followed your blog as well... =)

  4. Those boots and that purse are gorgeous!
    I love the pillow cases too. c:
    Happy Valentine's day!


  5. I love the saying on that coffee mug!!!! Haha!

  6. That mug is too cute!!! And I loooove that watch!

  7. I am a sucker for more coffee cups too. I maaayyy have gotten a couple for the hubs and me for V-Day?!?! ;)
