I'm The Kind Of Girl Who....

February 19, 2014

Linking up with Hey, Hollywood for a "I'm the kind of girl who" blog hop... So since I am tending to a sick little boy with a double ear infection, you can get to know me a little better...

* Hates to cry!!! Like really hates it! 

* Doesn't like chick flicks as a general rule... (Sweet Home Alabama is one of my favs though)

* Hates the city

* Loves the country

* Enjoys alone time

* Has never understood the whole "girls go to the bathroom in groups" thing.

* Loves my family

* Likes animals more than most people

* Has been making monster faces since I was about 2 years old. 

* Loves sleep

* Enjoys watching kids movies even when the kids aren't home.

* Hates when other people cry... I never know what to do. 

* Owns about 10 pairs of plain black flip flops 

* Cannot walk in heels

* Didn't wear make up until after high school

* Has three brothers

* Has the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy

* will photobomb anyone but then later hates the picture

* will always be honest

* is very spontaneous (i will go to wash my face before bed and then cut off 6 inches of my hair... leaving Tbone to wonder "WTF just happened?")

* is grossed out by mayonaise

* has tryphophobia

* has the cutest kids EVER 

Happy Hump Day ya'll
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  1. Tryphophobia, never heard of it until now. I have to agree that clustered holes are pretty freaky.
    On the contrary, I'm a city girl vs country. XD
    Hope you feel better!


    1. Isn't it horrible??? I always had an issue with it and one day decided to google it and see if there was a term... Apparently I am not the only one with this nasty fear LOL. I grew up in Santa Monica CA and then moved to the country... Now I get stressed when I go to the city.

  2. I didn't have trypophobia until I googled it last week. I can't handle that. Also I wrote in my post that I'm the kinda girl who loves to photobomb people too!

    Definitely a city girl though :)

    1. Isn't it awful???Ick!!!! Hahahah I love to get in any picture... It seems like majority of people are city people...

  3. Loves animals more than most people? A girl after my own heart!

    PS I never know what to do when other people cry, either....

    1. Oh animals all the way!!!! Especially since I work with animals, I see the worst in people and it sucks!!!! But I do love it when people surprise me and prove that there are good people out there!

  4. I never go to the bathroom in groups- I don't get it either!

    1. Hahaha I mean, why go to the bathroom if you don't have to go? Just because your friends are going... So weird.

  5. I don't really get mayonnaise either. like why? LOL

    1. just the thought of it... ick!!!! and looking at it really triggers the gag reflex!!!LOL

  6. How cute! I too have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy! I laugh more than my students when I have to give the reproduction talk in class once a year. I need to grow up.

    1. OMGAWD, I'd die... I'd be all, "hheeeehehehehehehe, this is the whooohaaaa"

  7. Bahahaha... I'm like a 12-year-old boy, too! And I'm totally with you on liking animals more than people!!!!

  8. i'm not really a fan of chick flicks either (though I still watch them when i'm bored). and agree with the animals over humans thing too ha.
    -- jackie - jade and oak

    1. I refuse to watch the Notebook!!!! no matter what everyone says... I hate to cry!

  9. Animals are way better than people! We have 5 dogs. Our pit bull loves our 2 pound chi-weenie :)
