5 on Friday- Major Injuries

February 28, 2014

It's Friday Bitches!!!!!! Woohoo, I'm going to enjoy my weekend... Oh wait, Southern California is flooded and I am not leaving the house until I see sunshine! Grrrrr, I guess it's only fair since the rest of the country has been frozen for the past few months, but I haaaate gloomy weather! I need sunshine!!! So it's obvious that I want to live in Montana! (Don't ask).

If you know me, you will know that I am was a daredevil  an accident waiting to happen... If it can happen, it will happen to me. So I thought that today I would share 5 of my major injuries/accidents with you.

[ONE] When I was 4 I got a guinea pig... He was little, brown and kind of resembled a football. I loved him and named him Squeaky (real original, I know). I was sooo excited about getting a new pet, that I had to sleep with his cage right next to my bed.  Now my bed was a tall captains bed with drawers in it, so I naturally slept with a railing so I wouldn't fall out... Well I thought I was a big girl and could sleep without a railing this particular night (plus it allowed me to see Squeaky better). I bet you know where this is going.... In the middle of the night, I rolled off the bed and caught my cheek on the corner of Squeaky's wire cage.

My parent's woke up to me screaming and came in to see blood everywhere and my cheekbone sticking out of my face. They raced me to the ER where the doctor's strapped me down and stitched my face. Now, you can really only see the scar if you know it's there. I was very lucky that I didn't loose my eye.

[TWO] Not sure if this was before the above incident... It was pretty close to the same time... I decided that it would be fun to do a summersault down the stairs... Kids, don't do this at home, it never ends well. I smacked my head on the cedar chest at the bottom of the stairs and cracked my head open... My dad was out of town (he was gone 35 weeks a year most of my life) but luckily my mom was like McGyver. She masking taped my head and took me to the ER...

[THREE] When I was about 8, my family drove up to Big Bear where we had a cabin. Before Winter started, they wanted to seal the driveway... So we took a big tub of Thompson's waterseal up the mountain to work on it. I was always nosey and had to be the center of everything so while my dad opened up the can, I was standing right over it. Well if you have ever taken a bag of potato chips up in a high elevation you will notice that the bag fills with air... Well the same thing for a can of chemicals. As soon as my dad opened the can, Thompson's waterseal shot straight in to my eyes. My parents ran me in to the bathroom and rinsed my eyes out and then took me to the ER. They flushed my eyes for a few hours and made sure there was no permanent damage. There wasn't. I was super lucky!!!

[FOUR] I was riding bikes with my neighbors when I was about 10. We were doing wheelies on my driveway. After my perfectly executed wheelie, I leaned forward to come down but went right over the handlebars... landing right on my chin. I stood up to see my neighbor's staring at me. Apparently my chin bone was sticking out.  Back to the ER I went.

[FIVE] When I was in Jr. High our family went on vacation to Grandby Lake in Colorado. Our friends had a cabin there and we were going to spend a week fishing and relaxing on the lake. While I was baiting my hook, our friends little girl ran by and tripped on my pole which ripped the hook right out of my hand and straight in to my shin. Back to the ER I went... where they removed the hook from my leg.

There are so many more so stay tuned for next Friday... Happy weekend!

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  1. Oh my goodness that is a lot of accidents! Someone get this girl a helmet and rubber bumpers! STAT!!

  2. Wow, that was just when you were really young! I have a long list for me but it starts much later in life! Happy Friday!

  3. Oh my gosh these are some serious accidents!! Ouch!

  4. Dang girl! You have an er punch card yet?! Haha! I actually laughed out loud a little at the somersault down the stairs thing! Lol
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

    1. I totally need an ER punch card... That's a great idea!!! hahah

  5. Wowzer! You better keep your health insurance up to date...just sayin'

  6. i hurt just reading this. i was always the kid who was super careful and cautious so i never got hurt. i mean, i'm the clumsiest person EVER, but just no major injuries!

    1. see you would think i'd be more cautious since i am so accident prone... nope!!!! lol.. i am getting better about that as i get older though!!!!
