Our Cat Dog

January 21, 2014

Someone seems to be "confused".  I think he's questioning he canine-inity.

"Really mom? I am going through a tough time... I mean, I know I look like a dog but I really feel like a cat, and you have to take pictures of me?" 

"I hope you are happy you dumb lady, now I have to call my therapist!"

There are no words.... So I will leave you with this... 

Let's Be Friends!!!! 

 photo BlogHopButtonFinal_zps99116d5e.png"  photo siggy_zps57b91eb6.png

1 comment:

  1. How funny! I have a cat dog too! She's a pomchi. I love her to death! I'm doing a $75 Victoria's Secret Gift Card giveaway on my blog so stop by and enter if you can! :)
    And if you ever want to do a giveaway or link up please let me know! I'm a newbie!

    Sweet Southern Sparkle
