These Are A Few of My Favorite Things

January 4, 2014

I'm kind of in a weird blog funk... December was so easy because I had a list. 31 Lists in 31 Days. I never had to come up with an idea of my own.

Well now it's January and everytime I think of something to blog about, I ask myself, "who really wants to read about that"?

So I have decided that.... I don't care!!!!

Today I will share with you a few of my favorite things. These are things that make me super happy (you know, besides my family, health, etc.)

My new VS Pink sweatshirt. I had a gift card from Tbone's mom and decided to hit the last day of the big sale... Tbone told me that she probably didn't intend for me to get sweats when she purchased me a gift card but instead was probably hinting at grandchildren. Sorry Cyn!!!! I'm a sweats kinda girl!

Yoga pants- Yoga pants make me so happy! I mean really, they are the most comfortable thing ever! My name is Kellee, and I love yoga pants!!!! 

*this is NOT me! although i do wish it was

My Brenda Christian eyebrow pencil- this pencil is the only pencil I have ever liked! It comes in 1 color and it matches everyone! Now I have very fine eyebrows so this helps create some sort of a shape and filler. 

Mac Mineralize Skinfinish- This is such a great powder, I love love love it!!!! 

NARS blush and lipgloss in Orgasm- I am embarassed to say that I lost my lipgloss to my 7 year old. 

My Nike Eclpise- these are so comfortable and so light... I love them and wear them all the time! I'm sad that they are so worn out! 

Babylips in Peach Kiss. By far my favorite chapstick/lip treatment type stuff. This is my "go to" for every day!!!! 

What are some things that you cannot live without? 

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  1. Love those Nike shoes! I can't live without lots of stuff - but my bike comes to mind first!

  2. Yeah for Yoga Pants! LOVE THEM, super for traveling...wish my butt looked as good as the one pictured..haha

    Wyatt's Mom

  3. Yoga pants are definitely on my list too! I'd also have to go with my iPhone, horse, and my car.

  4. Mac loves her Baby Lips and just might have every color. And if someone wanted to have MOR children they don't know ya enough you are ONLY that sweatpants one of my favorite freaks.
