A Sunday Social

January 12, 2014

Happy Sunday everyone, I am linking up with A Complete Waste of Makeup's blog today and answering a few questions for the "Sunday Social".

But before we begin, please go and like my facebook page. Done? Okay thank you!

Question #1- What is the name of your blog and how long have you been blogging? Well my blog is "The Rambling Hermit" and I have been blogging seriously for only a few months... Before that I blogged on and off for about 5 years. 

Question #2- Why do you blog? I guess I blog because I express myself better with writing than verbally. 

Question #3- What is the first blog you ever followed? The Pioneer Woman. She is my muse! 

Question #4- What is your favorite post you wrote in 2013? Well I haven't been back to blogging for very long so.... I have no idea. LOL 

Question #5- What are your blogging goals for 2014? Basically I want to learn how to be a more successful blogger and to share my craziness with the world. Muahhhhh! 

Question #6- Top 3 Blogs to follow- Besides the Pioneer Woman.... 
1. Eighteen 25 - she has such great creativity and always is sharing her free printables with everyone!
2. I Wore Yoga Pants to Work- this girl always makes me laugh!
3. The Daily Puglet- Pug and Dutch are hilarious! 

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to follow me!!! 

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  1. i love PW but my mom is obsessed with her. she always threatens to leave and go live at her ranch. ;)

  2. Off and on for five years? That is impressive!

  3. I'm going to visit the Pioneer Woman now! thanks for the suggestion!
