Day 20: 10 Things That Make Me Happy

December 20, 2013

I am so lucky to have a great life... Now I am not saying that I don't have bad days and things in my life that I would change... but I am very lucky to have a great family, great friends and great surroundings. That's the most important right? So it's hard to choose just 10 things. But I'll try anyway *smile*

1. My family! I was blessed with an amazing family! My parents were married until my dad passed away this past September, I have three great brothers who all have awesome wives... I have 2 nieces and 2 nephews, & I have a pug nephew and a boston niece! Then there are my kiddos.... I couldn't ask for sweeter, cuter or more perfect children... Although I would request that they get along better!



I just love them so much... This obviously includes my animals. They are family too! 

2. Tbone- just when I was totally okay with being a single mom for the rest of my life... this guy walks in to my life... Well he didn't really walk in... he actually lived 2 hours away. But we had mutual friends and we just clicked... He was my missing piece. *awwww* and he loves the kids as if they were his own. 

3. My friends- I have a great circle of friends... They understand that I'm a hermit and don't like to leave my house... and they sorta still love me. 

4. Tazzy Fund- I am so lucky to be a part of something so amazing. I'm the VP for Tazzy Animal Rescue Fund. Tazzy Fund has helped the lives of so many animals and their people. 

5. Coffee- I love coffee. Like looooove coffee.. Yes I love fooffy coffee with lots of caramel but I really love just plain black coffee too. That's what I have every morning. It's my happiness in a cup! 

6. Scentsy- Enter shamless plug... yes I sell Scentsy but really only to get mine free or at a discount. I am the opposite of a salesman. I completely believe in the product (which is why I have 7 currently plugged in, in my house), but I just hate when people push things on me, so I can't do it to them. My business is strictly by word of mouth. Anyway, the scents are great and I change them with the seasons and my moods. 

7. The River- this is my happy place! I am lucky enough to have access to my Aunt and Uncles river house in Needles on the Colorado River. I have been going to the river for as long as I can remember. I love the 110 degree hot heat (as long as I can just soak in the water and not have to do anything physical), the long summer nights, the smell of the wet asphalt on the launch ramp and the smell of race fuel. Mmmmmm. 

8. Hiking- although I haven't gone in forevvvvver. I love the outdoors, the beauty, the quiet, and the feeling when you are done. It's been so long, that I don't even have pictures on this computer. 

9. Halloween- I love everything about this magical holiday!!! I won't post more pics of myself because I put those back in the "5 Costumes I Have Worn" entry. 

Beaks and his Auntie 

Boogs as a ballerina skeleton

Steph as the cutest bat ever. 

My adorable mom in her homemade witch costume. She and my Aunt made matching ones. They are so cute! 

10. The Pioneer Woman- I want to be her! 

What makes you happy? 

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