I've never been one for creating New Year's resolutions because of fear that I wouldn't achieve them... but that's kind of a crappy way to look at things. For someone who is so head strong, I should be able to set my mind and do it... right? So I guess I will give it a try... But this time I am going to set goals that I actually think are achievable instead of saying something like, "I'm going to lose 75lbs". Anyway, here I go....
1. Grow a vegetable garden- I think that this will be something fun to do with the kids, teach them how to take care of something and watch it grow all while being able to enjoy our own food.
2. Get healthier- I'm not giving myself a weight loss goal... I'm just going to leave it at, be healthier.
3. Go back to school- I'd really like to go back to school.
4. Run a 5k. I know that this doesn't seem like much... but I am not meant to run... Literally, I just wasn't built for it. I was a swimmer and did well because I have big flat feet... Those big flat feet don't really do well on the pavement. Not to mention that I am pigeon toed... Giant disaster!!!! But I would like to run, and learn to enjoy running.
Hope you all have a very safe and fun night! I had a great day with my mom, 2 brother's, 2 sister in laws and my kiddos. We tried to recreate my dad's New Years Japanese stew, it was okay but I guess we were just missing Dad. Tbone and I are now home with the animals while the kids went to their dads.
Peace out 2013!
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