
August 27, 2014

Yes it's true, I feel like I am dying. I have hand foot and mouth disease... I guess that's a perk from working at an elementary school. 

I'll just be laying in bed, isolated from my family if anyone needs me!!!! 

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  1. OMG! Feel better sooooon!

  2. Kelly, I am sooo sorry you have HFM! I had it in July and it was the WORST illness I think I've ever had! I had a nasty fever and horrible blisters in the back of my throat and couldn't eat for days! Hang in there! :(

  3. Yes!!!! So I had a horrible headache, sore throat and then a horrible back and hip pain. So I was like, WTF. I went to the doc and they said it was my osteoarthirtis. Ok but that didn't explain the headache and sore throat. Then the next day the blisters started. So apparently my HFM aggrivated the osteoarthritis that I didn't know I had. I am a mess.... Blisters in my hands, feet and the back of my throat/tonsils. UGH

  4. Omgsh! I hope you get to feeling better soon...that is awful!

  5. haha i am feeling much better, thank you!!!!
