Weekend Wrap Up

May 26, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up:

This week went by so fast and I feel like I got absolutely nothing done! 
Now that Beaks is over his double ear infection, Boogs came home with the stomach flu. Poor thing had been throwing up all day at her dad's house and now is home and sleeping. I hate when my babies are sick... It's such a helpless feeling! 

Weekly Pics

1. Family Bike Rides
2. My nieces new puppy Tucker.
3. Zeke after tucking himself in for the night.

4. My Mother's Day gift from my brother. He made me a shelf. I love it!
5. Flowers from the backyard.
6. Beaks and his best friend at the school Memorial Day bike parade

7. My front porch bench and pumpkin. 
8. Coffee table that my brother made me. 
9. I cut my hair and now have bangs. 

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  1. OMG that coffee table. I want!!!! Glad you had a great weekend and poor babies. I hope they are allll better soon!

  2. I know, I love it too!!! He made it for his house but was too small so he made another one and gave this one to me! Have a great holiday girlie!!!

  3. Oh my goodness... Zeke... bahahaha... what a little cutie all curled up under the covers! :)
