5 on Friday... Spring Break Edition

March 28, 2014

Happy Friday!!!! I am so messed up on my days since the kids are off of school for Spring Break! Everyday feels like a weekend to me. 

Let's get to 5 on Friday cause I have to hurry, shower and meet my mom and Aunt for breakfast! 

1. The kids do NOT understand that Spring Break is for sleeping in. 

2. We had 90 degree temps last week and now that we are on Spring Break, we have dreary 70 degree weather... WTF

3. Yesterday we took a family trip to Lowes to pick out things to plant... The kids picked grape tomotoes, basil, snapdragons, zinnias and pansys. 

4. You can only take so many walks and bike rides with the kids to keep them occupied... Now what?

5. I need more coffee! 

What do you guys with kids do to keep your monsters occupied? I don't want them sitting in front of the tv or on their tablets all day!!! Are my kids the only ones that cannot find something to do on their own? 

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  1. I'm cracking up! My guy came home "sick" and within 20 minutes my ears were bleeding. I came up with a new game called "let's lint roller the couch".

    1. Hahah I wonder if that will work on my kids!!!! I'll be back!

  2. Using dreary and 70 degrees in the same sentence seems so strange to me right now. If it was 70 I would be in shorts and a tank top right now!

    1. I know, I actually feel like a jerk when I complain about our weather here... It's actually turned out to be beautiful today!

  3. Maybe it will rain and you won't have to feel guilty about throwing them in front of some movies!

    1. No such luck!!! Hahaha I did con their Uncle to come over and they are playing wrestle mania now!

  4. I so badly want to garden this year, but haven't completely decided it doing it yet! I get so distracted sometimes! I love your 5...me too!

    1. Tbone is making planter boxes right now for us so we can grow a lot more!!! Super excited!!!

  5. Ummm I'll take your 70 degree weather! What about a game of kickball or go for a hike? It will tire them out at least.

    1. Yes hiking is on our plan for sure!!!! I think I need to get them a teatherball!!!!

  6. Pretty flowers and plants! Only wish I didn't kill everything I tried to grow. Happy Friday!

  7. OMG Your little plants are making me so excited for spring and summer! I love planting fruits and veggies!

  8. Please send your fabulous warm weather my way like yesterday! I love your little outing to pick up plants with the kiddos! I can't wait to have kids to do this :)

  9. I can't wait to start planting on our balcony!!!! :D
